The College of Veterinary Medicine invites you to the White Coat Celebration for the Class of 2026.
This event honors and celebrates our class of 2026 as they begin their clinical year.
Please note: The White Coat Ceremony is photographed and recorded. Your attendance at White Coat confirms your willingness to appear in video, photographs, and recordings and releases The University of Arizona from all liability in connection therewith.
Event Location
Student Union Memorial Center
Address: 1303 E University Blvd, Tucson, AZ 85719
Directions to Student Union Memorial Center
About the White Coat Ceremony
The white coat ceremony is an important tradition in the health professions, marking the transition from student to future health professional. While putting on the white coat signifies this change, it also represents a powerful transformation. The white coat is a symbol of aspiring veterinarians’ commitment to maintaining pure intentions and prioritizing the well-being of their patients. Our event recognizes the symbolic significance of the white coat ceremony and believes it plays a significant role in celebrating our students as they begin their final year of clinical rotations.
All attendees are invited to attend a short reception after the event.
Tickets are not required for entrance.
Dress Code
Summer business casual wear is encouraged for guests and students.
Video Recording
Unable to attend in person? A recording of our White Coat Ceremony will be available on our YouTube page after the event.
General Information and Assistance
Staff and student volunteers can answer questions and assist during the event. Please feel free to stop them for information or to introduce yourselves.
We encourage the White Coat Ceremony attendees to park in the Second Street Garage at the University of Arizona. If parking is not available in the Second Street Garage at the time of the event, please select from additional parking options available on the university campus.
Directions to Second Street Garage
Additional University Parking Options
If you have questions about access or would like to request any disability-related accommodations for this event, such as ASL interpreting, closed-captioning, wheelchair access, electronic text, etc., please get in touch with the Disability Resource Center.