Student Policies
Attendance & Absence
This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for the College of Veterinary Medicine attendance and absences. Students must act in a professional manner and demonstrate a commitment to the college and their professional responsibilities.
- Students are required to fulfill all published course requirements for completion of work assignments, achievement of evaluation criteria, and attendance of scheduled class time and clinical rotations.
- In accordance with CVM attendance policies, students are expected to attend all classes, selectives, laboratories, and clinical rotations as they are specifically set up for a particular educational purpose which cannot easily be replicated.
- In some instances, students may take up to 2 personal days each academic semester. Personal Days are absences that do not require explanation. Details are provided below.
- To be excused, students must submit an absence request, including personal days, in advance (as soon as reasonably possible). If unable to submit an absence request in advance, the absence must be submitted no later than 48 business hours after the absence has occurred (exception for extenuating circumstances). Students will have up to seven (7) calendar days from the last date absent to submit any necessary proof of documentation. Personal days do not require any explanation or documentation.
- Because timely notification of absences is critical, failure to submit an absence request in a timely manner can be grounds for denial of such request even if the absence itself is for a justified reason.
- Any non-emergency absence taken without prior notification or permission may be considered an unexcused absence and will be treated as an act of unprofessional behavior.
- An unexcused absence will result in a grade of zero (0) on any graded activity (e.g., the IRAT and GRAT in a Team Learning session).
- A student who misses any small-group (e.g., TBL group) activity for any reason is responsible for notifying their small-group members before the absence.
- In the case of an extended excused absence or leave period is needed, it is the responsibility of the student to inform their instructors before the anticipated absence, take the initiative to submit completed absence requests to Academic Programs via VetMed Hub, and makeup missed work in a timely manner as outlined by the instructor.
- The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs will review the student absence reports, and if a student exhibits a pattern of excessive absences, the student will be required to meet with the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs to explain the reasons and discuss a plan for an attendance recovery plan.
- Attendance Sign-In Sheet/Form: Signing in or submitting an attendance sheet/form for another student is unethical and considered an Honor Code Policy violation. Students may ONLY sign in/submit attendance sheets/forms for themselves and no other students.
- Academic Programs will manage absences with Course Directors, Clinical Year Mentors, and Clinical Affiliate On-Site Veterinarians.
Pre-Clinical Years 1 & 2
This policy establishes guidelines and procedures for attendance and absences for the College of Veterinary Medicine pre-clinical students. It is important that students act in a professional manner and demonstrate a commitment to the college and their professional responsibilities. Academic Programs manages absences, and any questions should be emailed to .
- Students are required to fulfill all published course requirements for completion of work assignments, successful achievement of evaluation criteria, attendance of scheduled class time, and exhibit competency of the course information. It is the responsibility of the student to inform their instructor(s) before the anticipated absence and take the initiative to submit completed absence requests to Academic Programs via VetMed Hub, and makeup missed work in a timely manner as outlined by the instructor.
- Students are expected to attend all classes including Selectives, laboratories, simulations, and surgeries, as they are specifically set up for a particular educational purpose which cannot easily be replicated.
- Due to the unique structure of Selectives, please refer to the course syllabus regarding attendance requirements.
- Student Affairs will be notified of a pattern of excessive absences and the student may be required to meet with the Dean of Student Affairs.
- Attendance Tracking: Signing in or submitting attendance for another student is unethical and considered an Honor Code Policy violation. Students may ONLY sign in/submit attendance for themselves and not other students.
- Students are responsible for keeping track and making sure they do not exceed the allowable excused absences in each of their courses and/or labs. Please refer to your course syllabus for information regarding excused and unexcused absences. In general, the following will apply:
- Attendance is mandatory and expected. Students should anticipate losing points for any missed class time.
- Any opportunity granted to make up work for an excused absence is at the course director's discretion and will be outlined in your course syllabus.
- In the event a Team Support Services (TSS) session is missed, please email as attendance is a graded component. These events are located on the TBL Development Calendars (A-F).
- Sessions not listed in VetMed Hub as learning events should be directed to the team that oversees them.
- All attendance is categorized by academic semester. Students cannot submit absence requests for semesters not officially released within VMH.
- Fall- released end of July
- Spring- released end of November
- Summer- released end of March
Unexcused Absences:
- Will result in a grade of zero (0) on any graded activity (e.g., the iRAT, tRAT in a Team Learning session, exams, practicals, etc.).
- A student who misses any small-group (e.g., TBL group) activity for any reason is responsible for notifying their small-group members before the absence.
- Any non-emergency absence taken without prior notification or permission may be considered an unexcused absence.
- Travel delays: travel delays are an unexcused absence regardless of the reason for the delay and would require usage of a personal day for it to be considered excused.
Excused Absences:
Each absence request will count as a full day (7:00 am-5:00 pm), whether the student misses one session that day or multiple. It is at students’ discretion whether they attend a session that day.
- All absence requests and accompanying documentation should be submitted via VetMed Hub (VMH). Students should review the applicable VMH request for updates or additional information needed for the request to be approved via VMH.
- To be excused, students must submit an absence request, including personal days in advance (as soon as reasonably possible). If unable to submit an absence request in advance, the absence must be submitted no later than 48 business hours after the absence has occurred (exception for extenuating circumstances). Documentation is required after two consecutive days of absence (except personal days). The Academic Programs team reserves the right to request documentation at any time at their discretion. Students will have up to seven (7) calendar days from the last date absent to submit any necessary proof of documentation. Personal days do not require any explanation or documentation.
- Providing false documentation or misrepresenting the reason for an excused absence will be considered academic dishonesty and will result in an unexcused absence in addition to being referred to the Associate Dean of Student Affairs at CVM or Dean of Students at UA.
The following number of days are excused per category depending on semester/block, or the number of occurrences. All absences count towards the maximum number of absences excused for any given course. Documentation may be requested for absences.
Reason | Number of Days Excused | Notes |
Bereavement | 3-5 | Up to three days (3) will be given for the death of the student’s spouse, parent (natural parent, stepparent, adoptive parent), parent-in-law, sibling, child (natural child, adoptive child, foster-child, stepchild), grandparents, grandchildren, brother or sister-in-law, or any other person who is a member of the student’s household. A student may be granted up to two (2) additional days to attend or arrange funeral services out of state. |
Jury Duty | Varies | The number of days will depend on the documentation provided for the request.
DRC Accommodation | Varies | Students working with the Disability Resource Center (DRC) for accommodations for absences will submit a request through VetMed Hub. Academic Programs will work with DRC to evaluate individual requests and make reasonable accommodations. It is important to remember that DRC accommodations are not retroactive and all excused DRC absences do count towards any course’s maximum absences allowed. |
Personal Days | 2 | Students may take up to two (2) personal days total during each academic semester (Fall, Spring, Summer). Personal Days are absences that do not require explanation. Personal days cannot be used for exams, practicals, labs, surgeries, simulations, demonstrations or any other activity or event where makeups are not feasible or require extra effort to accommodate. |
Illness | Varies | A student may submit time for an illness, injury, or medical appointment for themselves if they are ill or need healthcare services. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure an absence request is submitted promptly. Illness lasting longer than two (2) days or frequent request for illnesses may require a doctor’s note for approval as an excused absence. |
Religious Observance | Varies | Student’s request for an excused absence for a religious holiday where work is strictly prohibited will be granted upon request. Please refer to the Office of the Registrar Calendar of Religious Holidays. |
Professional Conferences | Varies | Professional Conference Attendance: An excused absence may be granted for a student officially invited by the conference’s program committee to present, panel, or guest speak at a professional conference as an official representative of UACVM.
Students will be approved one day for professional conferences and, If appropriate, one day for travel at each end of the conference. Any additional requests will be reviewed case-by-case, and documentation may be required. |
Student-AVMA | 2 (1 to attend, 1 for travel) | SAVMA spring symposium. Eligibility: All students |
AVMA summer convention. Eligibility: SAVMA president, president-elect, 2 SAVMA delegates | ||
Leave of Absence | Varies | Please reach out to Student Affairs regarding the Leave of Absence process for any medical, military, academic, or personal (non-medical) requests. |
Please refer to the course syllabus for any special restrictions/limitations on excused absences. Otherwise, the CVM attendance policy applies.
Faculty are responsible for evaluating the level of comprehension for material when excused absences exceed any course’s allowable absences (the default is 15% or more of class sessions), and they may contact the Associate Dean of Student Affairs with concerns.
For reference, please see the guideline of absences per number of sessions within a semester below:
# of Sessions | # of Excused Absences |
1-7 | 1 |
8-14 | 2 |
15-21 | 3 |
22-28 | 4 |
29-35 | 5 |
36-42 | 6 |
42-49 | 7 |
50-56 | 8 |
57-63 | 9 |
64-70 | 10 |
71-77 | 11 |
All decisions by Academic Programs regarding excused absences are final and cannot be appealed. See policy on grade appeals.
Updated 8/1/2024
Please refer to the clinical year handbook for details on the absence policy.
*Approval of an excused absence is never guaranteed and is fully at the discretion of the college and all decisions are final and cannot be appealed. Academic Programs reserves the right to request additional documentation from any student at any time to validate any request.
If the University has suspended operations due to an emergency, including weather, only essential UA employees are required to report to work. Pre-clinical and clinical veterinary students are excused from the classroom, laboratory, and clinical responsibilities. Please notify the clinical clerkship moderator and the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs if you cannot travel to campus.
Leave of absences are managed through the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
Due to the college’s accelerated and student-centered curriculum, a student cannot miss more than 15% of a pre-clinical course, 10% of a clinical or surgical course, or 5% of a selective without significantly impacting their medical training. If the number of absences exceeds the maximum allowed and the student’s academic performance is impacted, the student may be asked to take a leave and return the following year to repeat the course, selective, or clinical rotation/clerkship.
The University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine promulgates this policy to ensure that all requests for a leave of absence are considered uniformly and consistently. The CVM recognizes that, at times, students require a leave of absence either to address their own medical needs (including mental or physical illness or injury or disability), to take advantage of additional educational or research opportunities outside of the CVM, or to address other matters of a personal nature, including, but not limited to, parental leave, caring for a family member with a serious medical condition, military obligations, or academic enrichment opportunities (such as special training, research, or fellowship opportunities). Students requesting a leave of absence must comply with this policy in requesting such leave before returning from an approved leave of absence.
Students should know that a Leave of Absence (LOA) might adversely affect their financial aid and visa status. For this reason, students are urged to refer to the University Dates & Deadlines, as deadlines vary by course. All CVM degree students must satisfactorily complete all graduation requirements six years from the original date of matriculation. All time limits are inclusive of leave(s) of absence, a repeat of an academic year, or remediation of any course, exam or other requirements.
Academic leave of absences are managed through the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
This leave of absence is dictated by the College of Veterinary Medicine based on the Satisfactory Academic Progress policy. Any student whose performance falls below the 70% grade requirement and fails a course will be required to withdraw from the remainder of their courses in that semester and return to repeat the semester in the following academic year. Should the student choose to return the next year to complete the program they will be returning as a member of that admitted class and will be automatically placed on Academic Probation for the repeat semester. Additional information around the Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy can be found online under student policies.
Students should know that a Leave of Absence (LOA) might adversely affect their financial aid and visa status. For this reason, students are urged to look at the University Dates & Deadlines as deadlines vary by course.
Medical leave of absences are managed through the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
If a student exceeds the maximum allowable absences for any given course for medical reasons, they are eligible for a Medical Leave of Absence. Students requesting a leave of absence because of their own physical or mental illness, injury, or disability, must complete The University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine Leave of Absence Form. The student must obtain and attach the appropriate medical documentation to the Leave of Absence Form as described in the leave of absence policy and complete the Campus Health medical withdrawal process.
Students should know that a Leave of Absence (LOA) might adversely affect their financial aid and visa status. For this reason, students are urged to look at the University Dates & Deadlines as deadlines vary by course.
Campus Health Medical Withdrawal process
Military leaves of absence are managed through the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
The University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine recognizes that some of its students may be placed on active duty and that questions may arise. Students on a non-medical leave of absence must submit a written report to the Office of Student Affairs at the end of the leave of absence regarding their progress toward the reintegration goals set forth before the leave. In addition, the University Office of the Registrar offers several options for students who are being deployed and unable to complete their coursework. Whenever possible, we request that you explore these options before leaving campus.
Students should know that a Leave of Absence (LOA) might adversely affect their financial aid and visa status. For this reason, students are urged to look at the University Dates & Deadlines as deadlines vary by course.
Personal leaves of absence are managed through the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs.
Students requesting a leave of absence for reasons other than their own mental or physical illness, injury, or disability must submit a Leave of Absence Request Form to the Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, along with a separate personal statement describing the nature and reason for the leave. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs will present it and the supporting documentation to the Executive Leadership Team for review and approval. Decisions regarding a denied non-medical leave of absence are not subject to review or appeal. Students should know that a Leave of Absence (LOA) might adversely affect their financial aid and visa status. For this reason, students are urged to look at the University Dates & Deadlines as deadlines vary by course.
Students on non-medical leaves of absence must submit a written report to the Office of Student Affairs at the end of the leave of absence regarding their progress toward the reintegration goals set forth before the leave.
- Unexcused absence: Unexcused absences are considered any non-approved missed day of class, selective, lab, or day of clinical rotation. Please refer to your course syllabus to understand the policy regarding unexcused absences for your pre-clinical phase.
- Examples of requests not considered for an excused absence include but are not limited to:
- Employment conflict
- Transportation/travel issues
- Overslept/missed alarm
- Saving money on airfare
- Personal travel (exceptions may be made for extenuating circumstances)
- Illness of an animal
- Examples of requests not considered for an excused absence include but are not limited to:
- Excused absences: Excused absences (see policy overview for a list of examples that will be considered) are not guaranteed. Academic Programs in partnership with Course Directors, Clinical Year Mentors, and Clinical Affiliate On-Site Veterinarians will determine whether an absence or leave is excused. Students should refer to their course syllabus and work with their instructor regarding any makeup work being offered due to an approved excused absence.
- Pre-clinical Phase: This curriculum phase of study is defined as the first 24-months of Veterinary School with a focus on the systems-based courses, four longitudinal courses that are intertwined throughout the curriculum, advanced clinical management courses, surgery, and electives.
- Selectives phase: Students will have five three-week blocks of time to concentrate on their topics of interest. The Selective course will be individually tailored by the student to maximize their exposure to their areas of interest within the 15-week course.
- Clinical year, Clinical Rotation, Clerkship: Rotations during the clinical year will be distributed via a robust clinical affiliate network encompassing private, government, and corporate leaders in veterinary medicine.
- Course Director, Instructor and Clinical Affiliate On-Site Veterinarian: Terms being used interchangeably throughout the policy to identify the individual overseeing a specific course or clinic rotation.
Clinical Year Mentor: Individual assigned to work with students during clinical year.
Approval of an excused absence is never guaranteed and is fully at the discretion of the college and all decisions are final and cannot be appealed. Academic Programs reserves the right to request additional documentation from any student at any time to validate any request.
Updated: 01/15/2025
This policy applies ONLY to U of A CVM students who require parental absences for the birth or adoption of a child.
Parental absences provide an opportunity to obtain excused absences but do not provide any other accommodations or exceptions to program expectations or requirements.
Students are encouraged to consider applying for a Leave of Absence (LOA) through the Associate Dean for Student Affairs (see leave of absence policy above).
Students who are the birthing parent of the child may seek more expansive accommodations through DRC in compliance with Title IX regulations.
Disability Resource Center Pregnancy Accommodations
Students who are the non-birthing parents of the child normally do not fall under Title IX protection. As such, the intent of this policy is to help support students through the birth/adoption of a child while ensuring that students who elect not to take a LOA from the program can maintain the necessary learning and progression needed to successfully complete program requirements.
Policy for non-DRC Parental Absences:
- Students must meet with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Associate Dean for Student Affairs for overall approval of their parental absence. This meeting is intended to provide the following:
- Student will be aware of the impact of their absences on their learning and progression through the program.
- Student will have clarification on program expectations.
- Parental absences will start no sooner than the first day at hospital for delivery or when child is born/adopted.
- If a student needs to be absent before a child is born/adopted the standard absence policy applies.
- Parental absences will end no later than 6 weeks from the date the child is born/adopted.
- Absences beyond the 6-week time frame require a DRC accommodation.
- Students will receive excused absences for regular classes, sessions, or clinical rotations.
Pre-clinical students (Years 1 & 2):
- For week 1 (first 7 calendar days) of the birth/adoption, the student will receive full excused absences similar to those given due to illness.
- Seven days are defined as the day of birth plus the next 6 calendar days.
- These excused absences include excuses from exams, practicals, OSCEs, labs, surgeries, simulations, demonstrations, etc.
- Students must submit and follow the regular established process for requesting an excused absence through VetMed Hub utilizing the “Illness” reason.
- For weeks 2 through 6, parental absences cannot be used for exams, practicals, OSCEs, labs, surgeries, simulations, demonstrations or any other activity or event where makeup is not feasible or requires extra effort to accommodate. Same policy as Personal Days.
- Regardless of approval, it is the student’s responsibility to keep track of their course schedules and ensure they do not miss exams, practicals, OSCEs, labs, surgeries, simulations, demonstrations or any other activity or event where makeup is not feasible or requires extra effort to accommodate. Missing these activities will result in an unexcused absence which will result in a grade of zero (0) on any graded activity.
- Students must submit and follow the regular established process for requesting an excused absence through VetMed Hub utilizing the “Parental Absence (Only Non-Birthing/Adoption)” reason.
- Students must follow each course’s policy regarding make-up work and deadline extensions as applicable to all excused absences.
- Faculty are responsible for evaluating the level of comprehension for material when excused absences exceed any course’s allowable absences (the default is 15% or more of class sessions), and they may contact the Associate Dean of Student Affairs with concerns.
Clinical year students (Year 3):
- All Clinical Year Handbook policies still apply.
- Excused absences must be taken in full-day increments.
- Excused absences for parental absences must be made up to ensure compliance with the required weekly contact hours. Please note, students may receive an incomplete or delay in graduation until the contact hour requirement has been fulfilled.
- Students must submit and follow the regular established process for requesting an absence through the CVM App utilizing the “Clinical Year – Parental Absence (Non-Birthing/Adoption) (Make-up Required)” reason.
- Students are allowed to submit only one (1) schedule change. • Changes are only allowed for the rotation Block before, during or after the anticipated date of the birth/adoption.
- Students must submit schedule change within their student portal at least 30 days in advance.
- Students can move their vacation block to better fit their parental absence needs.
- Clinical site options may be limited due to specific block availability or geographic location.
Policy for DRC Parental absences:
- Students must meet with DRC to obtain official accommodation.
- DRC will coordinate all appropriate accommodation with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Associate Dean for Student Affairs.
The University of Arizona is committed to creating and maintaining an environment free of discrimination. In support of this commitment, the University prohibits discrimination, including harassment and retaliation, based on a protected classification, including race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or genetic information. The University encourages anyone who believes he or she has been the subject of discrimination to report the matter immediately as described in the section below, “Reporting Discrimination, Harassment, or Retaliation.” All members of the University community are responsible for participating in creating a campus environment free from all forms of prohibited discrimination and for cooperating with University officials who investigate allegations of policy violations.
The University will take prompt and appropriate action to (a) thoroughly investigate complaints of discrimination described in this policy; and (b) prevent, correct and, if necessary, discipline individuals who engage in behavior that violates this policy in accordance with existing University policies
This policy applies to:
- All University employees in all aspects of their employment relationship with the University;
- All University students in all aspects of their participation in the University’s educational programs and activities;
- All University applicants, whether for employment or for admission to educational or University- sponsored programs, activities, or facilities;
- All persons or groups participating in or accessing University-sponsored programs, activities, or facilities; and
- All vendors or contractors in all aspects of their relationship with the University.
Enforcement of this policy is subject to constitutional protections related to freedom of speech, association, and the press.
"Discrimination" occurs when an individual, or group of individuals, is treated adversely because they belong to a classification of individuals that is protected from discrimination by a federal or state statute or University policy as set forth above. The failure to provide reasonable accommodations required by law or University policy based on disability or religious practice may constitute discrimination
"Harassment" is a specific form of discrimination. It is unwelcome behavior, based on a protected classification, that a reasonable person would perceive to be sufficiently severe or pervasive to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment for academic pursuits, employment, or participation in University-sponsored activities.
Additionally, "Sexual Harassment," whether between individuals of the same or different sex, includes unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a condition of an individual’s education, employment, or participation in a University program or activity, and/or when the submission to or rejection of such conduct is a factor in decisions affecting that individual’s education, employment, or participation in University-sponsored activities.
Harassing conduct may take many forms, including verbal acts and name calling, as well as nonverbal behavior, such as graphic, electronic, and written statements, or conduct that is physically offensive, harmful, or threatening.
"Retaliation" occurs when an adverse action is taken against an individual for engaging in protected activity. Protected activity consists of (a) opposing conduct reasonably believed to constitute discrimination, including harassment, which violates a nondiscrimination statute or which University policy prohibits; (b) filing a complaint about such practice; or (c) testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation or other proceeding related to a discrimination complaint. Adverse actions that are reasonably likely to deter a complaining individual or others from engaging in protected activity are prohibited.
Employees or agents of the University who (a) supervise other employees, graduate or undergraduate students, contractors, or agents; (b) teach or advise students or groups; or (c) have management authority related to a University-sponsored program or activity are required to:
- Engage in appropriate measures to prevent violations of this policy; and
- Upon receiving a report or having a reasonable basis to suspect that potential discrimination, harassment, or retaliation has occurred or is occurring, promptly notify and provide all available information and documentation either to the Dean of Students Office if the alleged policy violator is a student, or to the Office of Institutional Equity for all other matters.
The Dean of Students Office will promptly notify the Office of Institutional Equity of all reports of potential discrimination, harassment, or retaliation that it receives.
Because of the nature of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation complaints, allegations often cannot be substantiated by direct evidence other than the complaining individual’s own statement. Lack of corroborating evidence should not discourage individuals from seeking relief under this policy. No adverse action will be taken against an individual who makes a good faith allegation of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation under this policy, even if an investigation fails to substantiate the allegation. However, individuals who make dishonest statements or make statements with willful disregard for the truth during an investigation or enforcement procedure under this policy may be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with existing University policies.
Members of the University community may contact the Office of Institutional Equity or the Dean of Students Office at any time to ask questions about discrimination, harassment, retaliation, or complaint- filing procedures and may provide information without disclosing their names. This provision does not relieve managers, supervisors, instructors, or advisors of their responsibility to promptly report under this policy.
University employees and students have the right to file discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation complaints with outside agencies as well as with the University’s Office of Institutional Equity or the Dean of Students Office. If an individual files a complaint with an external agency, the filing will not affect the University’s investigation concerning the same or similar events.
Members of the University community who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action that could include reprimand, demotion, denial of promotion, termination from employment or from educational programs, or other appropriate administrative action.
University employees or students who work or study at a worksite or program of an institution with which the University has entered into an Affiliation Agreement (Affiliate) are subject to this policy while at such worksite or participating in such program. Similarly, Affiliates are obligated under agreements with the University to comply with all applicable state and federal statutes and regulations regarding equal employment opportunity and nondiscrimination. If a University employee or student believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation while working at or participating in a program of an Affiliate in violation of this policy, he or she should contact the Office of Institutional Equity or the Dean of Students Office in accordance with the reporting provisions of this policy.
Employees of the Office of Institutional Equity, employees of the Dean of Students Office, and all responsible administrators who receive reports of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation shall maintain the confidentiality of the information they receive, except where disclosure is required by law or is necessary to facilitate legitimate University processes, including the investigation and resolution of discrimination, harassment, or retaliation allegations.
Does the University provide training related to this policy?
- Yes. Nondiscrimination training is available online at and by contacting the Office of Institutional Equity at (520) 621-9449.
Where can I find other resources and materials related to this policy?
- You can find additional resources and materials, including links to University services, at
Who should I contact to ask questions about the policy or about a possible policy violation?
- Please contact the Office of Institutional Equity at (520) 621-9449 with questions, to report a possible policy violation, or to find out more about complaint-filing options and processes. You can also find answers to some questions and guidance on reporting at
Do student workers have to take the "Preventing Discrimination and Harassment" training for employees?
- Yes. Student workers are required to complete this online training.
disability resource center
The University of Arizona is committed to creating an inclusive and welcoming experience for all its diverse community members. We strive for learning experiences to be universally designed, or usable by all students to the greatest extent possible. If you anticipate or experience barriers based on disability, please contact the Disability Resource Center to establish reasonable accommodations.
Animals are generally not permitted in University buildings with some exceptions, such as service animals, service animals in training, and assistance animals determined to be a reasonable accommodation by the DRC, among others. The information on the DRC website is intended to help students, employees, and visitors understand the difference between various kinds of animals, where they are permitted, and when they may be removed.
student proficiency
All students must possess the capability to complete, with or without reasonable accommodation, the entire curriculum established by the College of Veterinary Medicine, which is required to achieve the D.V.M. degree. The veterinary medical curriculum requires demonstrated proficiency in a variety of cognitive, social, and behavioral skills. To achieve these proficiencies, the College of Veterinary Medicine requires that each student be able to meet the following requirements.
Students must be able to assess, measure, calculate, reason, analyze, integrate, and synthesize subjective and objective information. In addition, students must be able to comprehend three- dimensional relationships and to understand the spatial relationships of structures. Problem-solving, a critical skill demanded of veterinarians, requires all these intellectual abilities. Students must be able to perform these problem-solving skills in a timely fashion.
A student should have sufficient motor function to execute movements required to provide general care and treatment to patients in all health care settings. Specifically, students must be able to:
- Elicit independently information from patients by palpation, auscultation, percussion, and other diagnostic maneuvers, laboratory tests, and diagnostic procedures.
- Safely execute motor movements reasonably required to provide general care and emergency treatment to patients, such as, but not limited to, airway management, placement of intravenous catheters, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, application of pressure to control bleeding, suturing of wounds, other surgical procedures, and the performance of obstetrical maneuvers. Such actions require coordination of both gross and fine muscular movements, equilibrium and functional use of the senses of touch, hearing, and vision.
- Perform routine restraint procedures and to lift patients, tissues, or equipment with or without assistance.
A student must be able to acquire the information presented through demonstrations and experiences in the basic and clinical sciences, including but not limited to information conveyed through physiological and pharmacological demonstrations in animals and microscopic images of microorganisms, and gross and microscopic evaluation of normal or pathological tissues. Specifically, the student must be able to:
- Observe a patient accurately, at a distance and close at hand, acquire information from written documents, and visualize information as presented in images from paper, films, slides, video and other media.
- Perceive and interpret signs of fear, aggression, and other potentially dangerous behaviors made by various animal species; sense and interpret warning sounds and signs in the veterinary health care environment.
- Interpret radiographs and other graphic images, and digital or analog representations of physiologic phenomenon (such as EKGs) with or without the use of assistive devices.
Such observation and information acquisition necessitate the functional use of visual, auditory, and somatic sensation while being enhanced by functional use of other sensory modalities including smell. In any case where a student's ability to observe or acquire information through these sensory modalities is compromised, the student must demonstrate alternative means and/or abilities to acquire and demonstrate observation skills.
Students must be able to observe patients in order to elicit information, describe changes in behavior, activity and posture, and perceive non-vocal communications. Students must be able to communicate effectively orally and in writing with clients and colleagues. Students must be able to sense and respond to directions given in emergency situations and during clinical and surgical procedures. Such communication skills require the functional use of visual, auditory, and somatic senses, enhanced by the functional use of other sensory modalities. When a matriculant’s ability to communicate through sensory modalities is compromised, the matriculant must demonstrate alternative means and/or abilities to meet the communication skills. A student must communicate effectively, sensitively and rapidly with other students, faculty, staff, animal companions, and other healthcare professionals. A student must demonstrate a willingness and ability to give and receive feedback, and to communicate information on the patient’s status with accuracy and in a timely manner to members of the healthcare team. A student must be able to elicit information from patients, describe changes in mood, activity and posture, and perceive nonverbal communications.
A student must possess the ability to exercise good judgment, and to complete all responsibilities attendant to the diagnosis and care of patients in a wide variety of environmental contexts. In addition, the student must maintain mature, sensitive, and effective and harmonious relationships with patients, caretakers, owners, students, faculty, staff, and other professionals under highly stressful situations. The student must have the ability to function effectively under stress and to adapt to an environment that may change rapidly without warning and/or in unpredictable ways. The student must be able to exhibit empathy, integrity and concern for others.
The student must abide by professional standards of practice. The student must be able to engage in patient care delivery in diverse settings and be able to deliver care to all patient populations.
Grading and progression
A student who fails a course in the pre-clinical curriculum will immediately be placed on an Academic Leave of Absence (ALOA). This means that the student cannot continue in the curriculum but must instead step out and repeat the entire semester in the following academic year. Upon return to the program, the student will be placed on academic probation (see section titled Academic Probation), and the student must repeat all courses from the semester in which they received a failing grade regardless of the grade received in the other courses. All LOAs are managed through the CVM Assistant Dean of Student Affairs.
Students should know that a Leave of Absence (LOA) might adversely affect their financial aid and visa status. For this reason, students are urged to look at the University Dates & Deadlines as deadlines vary by course.
A student on a LOA may have the opportunity to participate in VETM 899 – Independent Study Course. Tuition rates will apply for the term in which the course is taken. Approval from the Sr. Associate Dean of Academic Programs and Faculty Affairs is required before enrollment.
Students can be placed on academic probation for different reasons, including:
- Students receiving a conditional pass due to an Individual or Overall point score between 65% and <70%
- Students who are returning from an ALOA
- Students who exceed the maximum number of excused absences in a course and are unable to demonstrate comprehension of the material covered to the Course Director.
Academic probation will become effective immediately, and for the following two (2) academic semesters the student is enrolled.
While on Academic Probation, the following are required to support the student’s academic success:
- The student must attend one or more meeting(s) with the Associate Dean for Student Affairs (or their designee) no later than two (2) weeks into each semester of Academic Probation.
- The student must meet with a CVM Learning Specialist no later than two (2) weeks into each semester of Academic Probation to develop an Academic Recovery Plan, including cognitive learning, effective learning, and behavior skills to support academic success.
- Academic probation will be contingent on the Academic Recovery Plan developed by CVM Learning Specialist and agreed upon by the student, Associate Dean for Student Affairs (or their designee), and Associate Dean for Academic Programs (or their designee).
- The student must participate in the Academic Recovery Plan as stated and agreed upon with the CVM Learning Specialist and must meet with the Learning Specialist as determined.
- Failure to follow the agreed-upon Academic Recovery Plan is a violation of the conditions of academic probation and can result in the student being permanently dismissed from the program.
- The Associate Dean for Student Affairs (or their designee), in conjunction with the Associate Dean for Academic Programs (or their designee), may stipulate additional requirements (such as in-person attendance requirements or limitations on participation in committees or student clubs) based on each individual student’s situation.
- In addition to these requirements, the student will be offered an individual or small group tutor. Attendance at tutor sessions is not mandatory but highly recommended and encouraged.
Students who follow all academic probation requirements will be considered in good standing. Students who do not fulfill the academic requirements are considered not in good standing and will be dismissed from the program.
Any student whose academic performance is not meeting expectations will be referred to meet with a Learning Specialist and/or the Course Director to determine an improvement plan. This plan may include tutoring, regular meetings with faculty and/or Learning Specialists, and other recommendations.
The basis for filing a grade appeal in any course is limited to fundamental fairness in treatment of the student by the instructor, as specified by a syllabus conforming to the Undergraduate Course Syllabus Policy or Graduate Syllabus Policy that is supplied to students at the beginning of the semester, and in light of grading of the student by the instructor relative to other students in the same course and section. Issues that do not meet these criteria are not appropriate for a grade appeal.
A graduate or undergraduate student may appeal a grade by using the following procedures. Where mentioned, the words college, dean, and department head are the department or college in which the course being appealed is offered. All timelines refer to the first regular (16-week) semester after the semester or summer term in which the grade was awarded. A week consists of five business days or seven calendar days. Grade appeals are not processed during the summer sessions unless the dean determines a case warrants immediate review, such as those for students cleared for graduation.
A grade appeal is only available before the student's degree is awarded. Graduating students completing final degree requirements should alert Graduation Services (for undergraduates) or the Graduate College as soon as course grades are posted, if they intend to file a grade appeal in the next regular semester. Assuming the student has satisfied all degree requirements, the degree itself will be placed on hold while the appeal is conducted. When the appeal is resolved or the dean makes a final decision, the student's degree will be awarded and backdated to the term when all requirements were satisfied.
During the interim, students may request an official letter of degree completion for purposes of employment or graduate/professional school admissions.
Written verification of each step below is critical. Steps three, five, and seven require the student to submit a written appeal. Therefore, either mail the appeal via return receipt or deliver it to the appropriate office and have a staff member verify the date and time of delivery. The dean's decision on whether or not the deadlines have been met is final. The dean has authority to extend the deadlines, but only in extraordinary circumstances shall the appeal extend beyond the first regular semester.
Step 1: Within the first five weeks of the regular semester after the semester in which the grade was awarded, or sooner if possible, the student should discuss the concerns with the course instructor, stating the reasons for questioning the grade. If the instructor is a teaching assistant/associate and this interview does not resolve the difficulty, the student shall discuss the problem with the person in charge of the course.
Step 2: Within the first five weeks of the regular semester after the semester in which the grade was awarded, or sooner if possible, the student shall go to the college dean's office to obtain any requisite forms and to review directions. The student must attest in writing that s/he has informed the instructor s/he intends to file a grade appeal.
Step 3: Within the first five weeks of the regular semester after the semester in which the grade was awarded, or sooner if possible, the student shall carefully formulate an appeal in writing, and submit it to the instructor with a copy to the department head.
Step 4: Within two weeks from the date of receipt of the student's written statement, the instructor shall respond to the student in writing. The instructor should explain the grading procedures and how the grade in question was determined as well as other issues raised in the student's statement.
Step 5: If the instructor is not available or does not resolve the matter within the two-week period, the student shall, within one week thereafter, readdress and submit the written appeal to the department head.
Step 6: The department head has two weeks to consider the student's written statement, the instructor's written statement, and confer with each. The department head may not change the grade but shall inform the instructor and the student in writing of his/her recommendation. If a grade change is recommended, the instructor may refuse to accept the recommendation. The instructor shall notify the department head and the student in writing of his/her decision.
Step 7: If the department head does not act on or resolve this matter to the student's satisfaction within a two-week period, the student shall, within one week thereafter, readdress and submit the written appeal to the dean.
Step 8: The dean shall review the student's appeal and take appropriate action. If the basis of the appeal is the fundamental fairness of treatment of the student by the instructor, the dean should convene a committee to review the case. Valid reasons for convening an appeal committee include but are not limited to a violation of University policy, a failure to follow published course policies, a lack of consistency within the student's course section, or a dispute over the factual accuracy of graded work. The following are NOT reasons that should be brought to a committee: a disagreement with published course policies, differences in classroom policies or grading schemes in different courses or between different sections of the same course, or a grade's impact on a student's academic progress, athletic eligibility, or eligibility for veteran's benefits.
Step 9: When appropriate, the dean shall convene a committee to review the case. The committee consists of five members. Faculty representatives include one from the department of the instructor concerned, and two from closely related departments or colleges. The student council of the college provides two student representatives. Student representatives shall be full-time upper division undergraduate students for appeals by undergraduate students or full-time graduate students for appeals by graduate students. If the college does not have an appropriate student council, the ASUA or GPSC shall appoint the student members. All student members must be in good academic standing in that college.
Within the structure provided by the dean, the committee shall design its own rules of operation and select a chair other than the faculty representative from the department concerned. The student and instructor shall represent themselves. The committee may, or may not
- meet separately with the student, the instructor, and the department head
- request each party to submit a brief written summary statement of the issues, and/or
- interview other persons who have relevant information.
If feasible, the committee should meet with the student and the instructor together in an attempt to resolve the difference. The committee shall consider all aspects of the case before making its recommendation. The committee shall make a written report with recommendations and provide copies to the student, the instructor, the department head, and the dean.
Step 10: The dean shall make a final decision after full consideration of the committee's recommendation and within four weeks of receiving the student's appeal. The dean has the authority to change the grade to a different credit-bearing grade, which includes regular grades (A, B, C, D, E), alternative grades (S, P), or optional grades (P, F), depending on the course grading system and the system chosen by the student at registration. The registrar shall accept the dean's decision. The department head, the instructor, and the student shall be notified in writing of the dean's decision.
The grade of I may be awarded only at the end of a term when all, but a minor portion of the coursework has been satisfactorily completed. The grade of I is not to be awarded in place of a failing grade or when the student is expected to repeat the course; in such a case, a grade other than I must be assigned. Students are expected to make arrangements with the course director to receive the I grade before the end of the course. If the I grade is not removed by the course director within one year, the grade will convert to a failing (F) grade.
CVM instructors/faculty are to use the Report of Incomplete Grade Form as a contract with the student as to what course work must be completed by the student for the I grade to be removed and replaced with the appropriate earned grade. Both the instructor and student are to sign this agreement, and both should retain copies. Remit to the CVM Registrar to maintain the student record. After the course work is completed, the instructor should assign the appropriate grade in the gradebook and inform the CVM Registrar to initiate the grade change request.
Leave of Absence (LOA)
A leave of absence is an official approval for a student to temporarily leave the program without the need for the student to re-apply for admission into the program. There are several specific types of leaves of absence, which include Military Leave of Absence, Medical Leave of Absence, and Academic Leave of Absence. All LOAs are managed through the CVM Assistant Dean of Student Affairs. All CVM degree students must satisfactorily complete all graduation requirements six years from the original date of matriculation. All time limits are inclusive of leave(s) of absence, a repeat of an academic year, or remediation of any course, exam or other requirements.
Academic Dismissal: Failing a course after returning from an Academic Leave of Absence (ALOA) will result in permanent dismissal from the College of Veterinary Medicine academic program.
Academic Leave of Absence (ALOA): If a student fails any single course, the student will be placed on ALOA, and the student’s progress will, therefore, immediately halt. The student must repeat all courses from the semester in which they received a failing grade, regardless of the grade received in the other courses. Failing a course after returning from an ALOA will result in permanent dismissal from the College of Veterinary Medicine academic program.
Clinical Year, Clinical Rotations, Clerkships: Rotations during the clinical year (last 12 months of Veterinary School; Year 3) will be distributed via a robust clinical affiliate network encompassing private, government, and corporate leaders in veterinary medicine.
Clinical Year Mentor: Faculty assigned to work with students during the clinical year.
Course Director and Clinical Affiliate On-Site Veterinarian: Terms used interchangeably throughout the policy to identify the individual overseeing a specific course or clinic rotation.
Course Requisites: Prerequisites (courses or other requirements) that students must complete before enrolling in the course.
Course Requisites for Clinical Year: (VETM 830, 831, 832, 833, and 840) Successful completion of the pre-clinical coursework (no incomplete grades outstanding) and in good standing.
Dates & Deadlines:
Eligibility to Graduate: Students will be eligible to graduate at the end of the University Term in which all required training, curriculum and experiential learning requirements and surveys/exit interviews have been successfully met. (See Satisfactory/Successful Completion of a Course/PreClinical Coursework terms.)
Experiential Learning: Program requirements that align with the AVMA COE standards and prepare students to be day-one-ready veterinarians. Successful completion is required for graduation.
- Large Animal Ambulatory Experience: A hands-on experience where students will learn invaluable practical training in evaluating sick ruminants and performing physical exams outside the clinical setting. Students are required to successfully complete the large animal ambulatory experience in Year 2.
Good Standing: is a term used to describe students who are meeting or exceeding the minimum academic requirements (passing) all courses and are not in academic probation.
Non-Degree Courses: courses offered by colleges and universities that do not count towards a veterinary degree. The CVM is not responsible for a student who takes non-degree courses as this is outside of the VETM career. Please visit the Graduate College site for further information.
Non-Standard Class Dates: refer to deadlines for courses that don’t always follow the standard university start and end dates (dynamically dated classes). The majority of VETM courses are dynamically dated.
Pre-Clinical Phase: This curriculum phase of study is defined as the first 24 months of Veterinary School (Years 1 and 2), with a focus on systems-based courses, four longitudinal courses intertwined throughout the curriculum, advanced clinical management courses, surgery, Selectives courses, and experiential learning.
Satisfactory/Successful Completion of a Course: meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements (passing grade) for the course.
Satisfactory/Successful Completion of Pre-Clinical Coursework: meeting or exceeding the minimum requirements (passing grade) for all courses during the pre-clinical phase of the curriculum. All incomplete grades must be successfully replaced by a passing grade before a student is considered to have satisfactory/successfully completed the pre-clinical coursework.
The satisfactory completion of all courses in the professional curriculum is required for a student to receive the DVM degree. The minimum satisfactory grade in any given course is a pass, defined by the following grading scale.
Grading Scale:
Passing criteria must be achieved in Individual scores and Overall point scores:
Pass: ≥70%
Fail: <70%
Conditional Pass: ≥65% to <70 (One-time only)
The calculation of the final grade for a course will be comprised of a cumulative score of both individual and team assessment points, with a score of 70% or greater required to pass. In addition, a student must achieve a score of 70% or greater on the cumulative individual components of the course to pass. Individual components include graded items that can be reasonably attributed to a single student.
Conditional Pass (One-time only):
Students with an Individual or Overall point score between ≥65% and <70% are eligible to receive a one-time, Conditional Pass instead of a failing grade and will be immediately placed on academic probation for the two (2) academic semesters following the date on which the score(s) were released. All Conditional Passes will be recorded as “P” in UAccess but are noted as “Conditional Pass Administrative.” Students can only receive 1 (one) conditional pass in 1 (one) course throughout the entirety of the program.
Failing Grade:
Students will receive a failing grade of F in a course for the following reasons:
- Individual or Overall point score <65%
- Individual or Overall point score between ≥65% to <70 AND have already used their one-time conditional pass
A student who fails a course will immediately be given an Academic Leave of Absence (ALOA). This means that the student will not continue in the curriculum but must instead step out and repeat the semester in the following academic year. Upon return to the program, the student will be placed on academic probation (see below), and the student must repeat all courses from the semester in which they received a failing grade regardless of the grade received in the other courses.
A university withdrawal is a formal process that a student initiates to leave the university before the end of the semester.
A complete withdrawal from the University is defined as leaving the University by dropping all classes after having paid registration fees.
Students should know that withdrawal from all courses might adversely affect their financial aid and visa status. For this reason, students are urged to consult with the CVM Assistant Dean of Student Affairs before submitting the online withdrawal request and refer to the University Dates & Deadlines, as deadlines vary by course. The Withdrawal from the University section in the Schedule of Classes provides detailed instructions, deadlines, and refund information.
Graduate and Professional Complete Withdrawal from the University
Medical Withdrawal
A medical withdrawal is a type of withdrawal from the University. For all withdrawals, consult with the CVM Assistant Dean for Student Affairs prior to submitting the online withdrawal request and refer to the University Dates & Deadlines, as deadlines vary by course.
Withdrawals filed before the first deadline, result in cancellation of registration in all courses. Since there is no record of enrollment, the Medical Withdrawal is unnecessary.
Medical withdrawal after the tuition refund deadline should be initiated with the Campus Health Service. Adequate medical documentation from a licensed healthcare provider in support of the medical withdrawal must be submitted to Campus Health by the student. Procedures and instructions for completing a medical withdrawal may be obtained from the Campus Health Service.
A student requesting a retroactive medical withdrawal after the last day of classes must attach a signed Medical Withdrawal Form from the Campus Health Service to the petition for a retroactive withdrawal. Graduate students must submit a Graduate Petition to the Graduate College.
Note: Students who withdraw from the University for medical reasons and who are medically encumbered must have their readmission approved by the Campus Health Service.
Arizona Residency Classification
In Arizona, as in all other states, instruction fees at publicly supported universities are lower for residents than for nonresidents. Through the payment of taxes, Arizona residents contribute to the general fund of the state from which the legislature appropriates funds comprising the major source of support for Arizona's universities.
A student enrolling at The University of Arizona for the first time, or a student returning after an absence of one or more semesters, must provide information which will allow classification as either a resident or nonresident of Arizona for tuition purposes. For new students, this information is requested on the application for admission; for returning students, a domicile affidavit is provided with the application for readmission. Because international students (non-immigrants) are classified nonresidents of Arizona while enrolled, a domicile affidavit is not required.
For Residency Requirements see:
Residency Classification Office Modern Languages room 347
The University of Arizona
PO Box 210066
Tucson, AZ 85721-0066
Professionalism and Integrity
A code of professional behavior cannot encompass all potential issues of conduct that may arise. Judgments regarding professional behavior contain an irreducible element of subjectivity, making it impossible to specify in detail, before the fact, all and only those behaviors that may be called into judgment as unprofessional.
Further, all codes of behavior are dynamic entities, subject to growth, revision, and modification over time. Hence, principles of professional behavior are not rules that specify behaviors, but instead are guidelines that provide direction in identifying appropriate conduct. For a listing of specific behaviors that represent professional misconduct, please refer to the Code of Conduct of the College of Veterinary Medicine.
There are, however, basic tenets that give shape and meaning to the concepts of profession and professional work. The principles endorsed here provide guidelines for judging whether appropriate values regarding work and relationships with others are embodied in the behaviors of an individual who seeks to be a veterinarian.
Further, the ethical standards of the profession, incorporated in documents such as the Principles of Veterinary Medical Ethics of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Veterinarian's Oath, and the Code of Conduct of the College of Veterinary Medicine are acknowledged as applicable to the behavior of veterinary students.
In order to promote and maintain appropriate professional behavior, and to assure that the veterinary medical services provided by students, under the supervision of faculty, meet a high standard of care that reflects values consistent with the ideals of the veterinary medical profession, the College of Veterinary Medicine, and the laws of the State of Arizona, faculty and students of the College of Veterinary Medicine affirm the following principles of professional behavior:
PRINCIPLE I: The Safety and Welfare of the Patient and its owner(s) are prime concerns of the veterinary student and require that the student do that which, in the professional judgment of the student and supervisor, benefits the patient.
PRINCIPLE II: Competence Achievement of excellence is the goal of the veterinary student, while competence is the minimum essential for performance. The veterinary student knows the limits of his/her knowledge and skills and must restrict his/her activities accordingly.
PRINCIPLE III: Responsibility The veterinary student accepts responsibility for the consequences of his/her actions. In utilizing his/her knowledge and skills for the benefit of clients, patients, and colleagues, the student must communicate openly and honestly with clients, faculty, staff and student colleagues.
PRINCIPLE IV: Professional Relationships Collegiality is a tenet of all professional relationships and the veterinary student is encouraged to communicate in a professional manner.
PRINCIPLE V: Confidential Relationships Participation in patient care binds the student to a confidential relationship with clients and other care providers. As a provider of care, the student learns information that is private and personal to the client. To reveal such information, except when necessary for the care of the patient, is a violation of trust.
PRINCIPLE VI: Learning and Research Activity The veterinary student acknowledges that lifelong learning is essential to the development and maintenance of professional skills and judgment. This learning may encompass the critical assessment of the intellectual effort of others and/or the conscientious production of new scientific knowledge. Professional students accept the responsibility of continuing this learning process throughout their veterinary careers.
All members of the University of Arizona community have a responsibility to uphold and maintain an honest academic environment by following the University's Code of Academic Integrity. As a community of scholars, integrity should guide conduct and decisions related to academic work and all credit bearing classes, including traditional, non-traditional, and online courses. In light of the recent transition to online delivery of courses for Spring 2020, please review the Culture of Honesty for Remote Instruction, a compliment to the Code of Academic Integrity.
Students are responsible for understanding and following the University of Arizona Code of Academic Integrity. Students engaging in academic dishonesty diminish their education and bring discredit to the academic community and the campus. Students should avoid situations likely to compromise academic integrity.
Faculty members and instructors should foster an environment of honesty in their classes and notify students of their course policies related to academic integrity. Faculty and instructors should make reasonable efforts to avoid situations conducive to infractions of the University's Code of Academic Integrity.
In Class Dress Code:
We present our knowledge, clinical competence, concern for the feelings of people and their animals, and general professionalism through the way we act, speak, write, and dress. To ensure professionalism and address health and safety issues, a dress code is enforced for all students involved in on-campus classes.
- All clothing should be appropriate (looks professional) and safe for the respective activities to be performed.
- Clean and groomed hair (including beards and mustaches).
- No strongly scented perfumes, colognes, and aftershaves.
- Gym attire can be worn if there are no holes and looks professional.
- Scrubs can be worn in class if needed.
Labs/Clinical Skills Dress Code:
- Students should wear protective footwear during all sessions.
- Hanley Building: closed-toed shoes such as tennis shoes or Danskos.
- Campus Agricultural Center: properly fitting closed-toed Leather, Imitation leather, or STIFF rubber boots, so students can move freely and run. Steel-toed shoes are NOT REQUIRED. Tennis shoes are inadequate due to their lack of protection from hooves and inability to completely disinfect. Disinfectant is available onsite.
*All students must adhere to the PPE requirements.
- Lab Coats and Coveralls – dispensed from Student Services (Stallard) and returned at CAC, Hanley, and Stallard (cat card required)
- Booties - available near the lockers and in the anatomy room.
- Safety Goggles – Students can pick up their goggles in the anatomy room. Students will be responsible for storing and bringing their safety goggles to class. We also recommend placing a sticker or label on your goggles to identify which ones are yours.
Anesthesia & Surgery Course Dress Code:
- Students should wear protective footwear during all sessions. Closed-toed, non-slip shoes are required when working with animals and in all labs.
- When in the surgical setting, all jewelry that cannot be secured underneath clothing should be removed for the safety of the animals and students.
- All students must wear scrubs during the simulation and the surgical blocks in addition to the required PPE outlined below. The following items will be available to students at each site.
- Simulations
- Cloth Gown – This will be assigned at the beginning of the semester and is expected to be returned upon course completion. Students must pay a replacement fee if the item cannot be returned.
- Gloves
- Mask
- Surgical Caps
- Eye Protection
- Surgical Training Suite
- Surgical Gowns
- Mask
- Surgical Caps
- Gloves
- Booties
- Eye Protection
- Coveralls - dispensed from Student Services (Stallard) and returned at CAC, Hanley, and Stallard (cat card required)
- Mobile Unit
- Gloves
- Surgical Caps
- Mask
- Booties
- Eye Protection
- Simulations
Coveralls are considered standard PPE. They are intended to be worn as protective outerwear, covering all clothes and underwear. To maintain coveralls as outerwear, they must be zipped up.
If you are inappropriately wearing your coveralls, which includes, but is not limited to, keeping them open as opposed to zipped, then you will be addressed by a teaching team member. They will require that you remedy the situation by wearing your coveralls appropriately.
Students who do not comply with instructions regarding the proper use of PPE may be asked to leave the lab, and the Course Coordinator(s) will partner with Student Affairs to determine the next steps based on individual circumstances.
The University of Arizona’s College of Veterinary Medicine’s goals of promoting animal health and alleviating animal suffering is critical to the learning environment. In keeping with these goals, the College uses a variety of methods to provide students with essential skills and interactive learning experiences. In the Clinical Skills portion of the curriculum, students use mannequins, models, simulators, and audiovisual tools to learn and practice clinical skills. However, successful completion of the DVM program requires studies of living and non-living animals. Course laboratories and rotations may use cadavers or live animals to teach anatomy, animal handling, restraint, physical examination, or medical or surgical techniques. In all cases, animal use is critically reviewed and must be approved by the University of Arizona Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC). The IACUC is comprised of veterinarians, scientists from multiple disciplines, non-scientists, and members of the general public with no affiliation to the University, in accord with applicable regulatory and accreditation standards.
Students may choose not to participate in activities that involve invasive procedures or conclude with euthanasia of animals solely for instructional purposes; this decision will not, in itself, impact the student’s grade. The instructor will attempt to identify an alternative method for the student to obtain the knowledge and skills. Regardless of the method, students are held to the same standards with respect to acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to pass the course.
Responsibilities of the Instructor
- Submit an IACUC Protocol for instructional activities that require the use of live or dead vertebrate animals.
- Justify the use of animals and the number and type of animals required to achieve learning objectives.
- Assure that any procedure causing more than momentary pain or distress is done under appropriate anesthesia or analgesia.
- Conduct a thorough alternative search to confirm there are no suitable non-animal alternatives or methods that would reduce the number of animals needed or refine the approach.
- Assure that animal housing, husbandry, transportation, use, and veterinary care are consistent with all applicable regulatory and accreditation standards, such as the most recent editions of the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (National Research Council), the Guide for the Care and Use of Agricultural Animals in Research and Teaching (Federation of Animal Science Societies), and University of Arizona animal use policies. See the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee Program (IACUC) website for further information.
- Assure that all instructional personnel are appropriately trained and have completed all required IACUC Training and Occupational Health and Safety requirements.
- Make the syllabus available to students before the start of the rotation or course and with sufficient detail that students and the instructor have time to identify reasonable alternatives to animal use should they be requested.
- All courses, including those involving animal use, must be reviewed and approved by the College’s Curriculum Committee and by the Provost’s Office.
Responsibilities of the Student
- Read the course or rotation syllabus as soon as it is made available.
- Contact the course or rotation instructor as soon as possible – no later than the start of the rotation or course – if you think you may choose not to participate in an activity.
- Work with the instructor to identify a suitable alternative that will permit you to achieve a level of understanding or skill acceptable to the instructor.
- Avoid enrolling in elective courses that require certain types of animal use if you are opposed to that use.
- Always treat animals humanely and with dignity.
- Do not post photographs of any animals used in the teaching of courses or clinical rotations on social networking sites or otherwise make them available to the public.
- Report concerns about animal welfare to the IACUC, University Attending Veterinarian, or UA Compliance Office if you are not comfortable discussing them with the instructor or Office of Academic Affairs. All concerns will be investigated.
- The University’s whistleblower policy prevents retribution for reporting of animal welfare concerns.
- If a suitable alternative to animal use does not exist or is not feasible, a student may opt out of an activity and not receive credit for the experience. However, all students must achieve the minimum level of knowledge and skill required to pass the rotation or course.
Responsibilities of the College
- The Office of Academic Affairs will work with instructors to post course syllabi in a timely fashion.
- The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will mediate cases where an instructor and student cannot agree on a suitable alternative.
- Questions about the Animal Use Policy should be addressed to the Office of Academic Affairs.
Social media offers opportunities to interact, build relationships and enhance interpersonal and professional connections. As members of the University of Arizona (hereafter “University” or “Arizona”) community, we must be aware of the ways social media content may affect our personal and professional reputation and credibility and the way others perceive the University. These guidelines govern students, staff, faculty and others affiliated with the College of Veterinary Medicine. The following guidelines have been established to protect your interests as well as the interests of the College of Veterinary Medicine when individuals use social media for either professional or personal purposes.
During class or lab, please respect and follow the technology guidelines set forth by your instructors. Additional guidelines refer to live animals and cadavers, not simulation animals. Students are not to share pictures depicting invasive procedures on animals during a lab on university property or with CVM faculty via social media or other channels. While such procedures are necessary for veterinary medical education and animal health, conditions can be misconstrued and cause unintended harm to the student, staff, or faculty member in the photo(s).
Photos detailing animal procedures from personal veterinary medicine experiences off-campus/University property and not under the instruction of CVM faculty can be shared. Continually evaluate an animal's condition, expression, and posture before posting, and make sure you have gotten permission from the clinical instructor/practitioner.
During clinical rotations, please respect and follow the social media guidelines of the business or practice.
Please respect the privacy of your classmates and check in with them about their comfort level with your future postings.
University of Arizona Social Media Guidelines.
a. Use appropriate privacy settings to reduce the chances that your personal information and the content you post are accessible to unintended audiences.
b. Consider the safety risks of tagging your location.
c. Remember that the Internet archives almost everything; therefore, even deleted postings can be searched and may be required to be saved and retrieved under certain circumstances.
d. Review and comply with the user agreements of the social media you use, with particular attention to directives that prohibit harassment, threats of violence, discriminatory statements, and personal slurs or attacks.
e. Regularly monitor social media sites to ensure that others have not included you in images that display unprofessional conduct. If you discover such images, make reasonable efforts to remove them. Typing your name into a search engine (“Googling yourself”) is an easy way to see what others can see about you.
f. Consider the impression created when posting content frequently during the work or school day.
a. Use sound judgment when using social media to forge connections with members of the UA community. It is generally best to connect with students on sites such as Facebook only after they are no longer members of your class or under your direct supervision. Likewise, consider the potential impact of having access to personal information about your employees through certain social media venues.
b. If you wish to communicate professional content through Facebook, Instagram, and other platforms, consider creating a professional page or a fan page rather than asking individuals to link to your personal account.
c. It is never appropriate to use social media to engage in personal communications with individuals with whom you are currently involved in a healthcare provider-patient relationship. Unless specifically permitted by a research sponsor, it is never appropriate to use social media to engage in personal communication with individuals who are in a researcher-patient or researcher-research subject relationship or who are being recruited to participate in research.
d. Ensure that student privacy rights are protected as required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Do not describe student behavior, report grades, or provide personally identifiable information.
e. In order to protect the privacy rights of patients and research subjects as required by state or federal privacy laws, do not discuss or describe patients or research subjects or share content that might be personally identifiable.
f. Protect confidential or personal information you may have acquired as part of your work as a University employee and abide by University policies regarding confidentiality of personnel information.
g. Request permission before posting photos of work/student friends or colleagues.
a. While you have rights of free expression as a private citizen, remember that others may also view you as a member of the UA community. Before posting social media content, consider the impact it may have on the University’s reputation.
b. When your online posting suggests that you are affiliated with the UA, include a statement that the content of your posting reflects only your personal views and not those of the UA, its colleges or affiliates.
c. Adhere to all University policies regarding the use of computers and other technology.
d. Remember that state law prohibits University employees from using their UA affiliation to influence electoral and legislative outcomes. If you use social media to express a political position, make sure that you do so as a private citizen rather than as a UA representative. Failure to make this distinction may violate state law and trigger a host of consequences for the University if the comments are deemed to be lobbying under federal and state statutes. See the University’s Political Activity Fact Sheet for more information.
e. Use a personal email address to register on social networks, blogs or other online tools utilized for personal use.
f. Respect intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, trade names and trade secrets, of others and of the University. Always give other people proper credit for their work, and make sure you have the right to use something with attribution before you publish.
All University of Arizona students have agreed to abide by the standards for behavior set forth by the Arizona Board of Regents. The Student Code of Conduct is in place to create a safe, healthy, and responsible environment that allows UA students, faculty, and staff to be successful in their daily endeavors and to achieve long term goals.
The Dean of Students Office is committed to our community’s success. Our staff addresses potential Student Code of Conduct violations (Section F, Prohibited Conduct) by:
- Alerting the student(s) involved that we are aware of the potential violation
- Giving the student(s) the opportunity to respond to the allegations
- Determining if it is more likely than not that a violation(s) occurred
The Student Code of Conduct Process flowchart provides additional information.
Students found responsible for violations will be assigned sanctions (Student Code of Conduct, Section G. Sanctions) that are intended to be educational in nature, protective of the community, and relevant to the case.
Disciplinary records are considered part of students’ education record. Disciplinary records stay on file with the Dean of Students Office for 5 years, or until graduation, with the exception of suspension and expulsion, which are permanently kept on file.
Sanctions for a first time violation of the Student Code of Conduct typically include a monetary sanction, parental notification for drugs or alcohol (students under the age of 21), an educational course such as Personal Responsibility, personal reflection or community service, and deferred eviction for our students living on campus. Severe offense such as threats, harm, or sexual misconduct often result in suspension and expulsion.
Filing a Student Code of Conduct Complaint
If you believe a student has violated the Student Code of Conduct and would like to file a complaint, please complete this online form or call (520) 621-7057.
Here are a few general guidelines to consider as we continue to experience in-person academic sessions together:
- All comments and discussions should be respectful of the instructor and fellow students; dialogue and disagreements are fine, but personal attacks are not.
- Participation: In small groups, it is expected that you contribute to the discussion. Additionally, share the responsibility of the group moderator so that everyone has a chance to moderate.
- The UA CVM Curriculum is designed for constant participation. However, be mindful when others are speaking and do not interrupt the instructor or fellow students.
- Food and beverages are not permitted within laboratory settings (i.e., histology, clinical skills, and anatomy). Please place beverages in closed containers on beverage carts outside these settings and food in your locker/student lounge. Food and beverages are permitted within CLS unless a faculty/staff member requests that you do not bring these items into class for specific health reasons. Students who bring food/beverages into CLS must clean up after themselves and be mindful of the potential impact that strong-smelling foods (e.g., sardines, brussel sprouts, onions) may have on the environment and peer learning.
- Due to the safety and security of our furry friends, clients, and the respect for all our surgical sites, student cell phones will not be permitted during these sessions. If a student brings their cell phone into the surgical site, they may be asked to leave, forfeiting their experience and grade for the day. Repeated violations may result in the immediate failure of the course.
- If students need to be excused from a part of an activity, they must notify the instructor before the session begins as a reminder. All absences will continue to adhere to the attendance policy. o Attendance and assessments must be taken at the designated time with the student present in class when in person unless excused in advance.
We have provided students with 30-minute breaks between courses to provide them with ample time to retrieve snacks and beverages, use the restroom, use their cell phone or laptop to tend to non-curricular activities, etc.
There are many cases where the academic spaces are reserved back-to-back. We ask that you please do not assemble within the areas before and after sessions as faculty and staff need time to prepare the room for their activities. If a faculty or staff member asks you to leave due to a scheduled session or meeting, please be professional and courteous and leave the room. Please feel free to visit the student lounge or reserve a space in Stallard if you require a space between sessions.
With the implementation of tools such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, etc., students are not permitted to record or stream any course content at any time without permission from the instructor in advance. It is expected that students do not share questions within their TBL sessions with peers as groups may meet to discuss them on separate dates. Assessments will remain as closed book/resources, whether in person or remote unless instructors specify otherwise. Please refer to the Code of Academic Integrity
Absence from an Exam
Attendance is required for all students as they must participate in the examination as scheduled.
If a student is unable to attend the exam, the student should contact Academic Programs ( immediately, or as soon as reasonably feasible to alert them of the issue. Alerting Academic Programs of the absence doesn't make the absence automatically excusable. Students must follow the established process through Vet Med Hub to seek an excused absence. An unapproved absence for a scheduled examination is grounds for a penalty grade of zero points, and a retest will not be given. Students can appeal their unexcused absence through Dr. Alex Ramirez, Senior Associate Dean, Academic Programs & Faculty Affairs.
If the absence is due to a health concern, the student must provide documentation from their health provider dated within 24-hours before but no later than the exam date. If necessary, additional documentation may be required.
The student will be contacted by the Academic Programs team upon the approval of the absence to schedule the missed exam upon return. The exam session must be scheduled within a week of the exam unless additional permission has been granted. The instructor holds the right to use an alternative format for the assessment of the examination content.
Late Attendance – If a student arrives late to an exam session, they must complete the assessment within the remaining allotted time. Students that miss the individual component of an exam will not be allowed to take the team component of the exam. Students can appeal their unexcused absence through Dr. Alex Ramirez, Senior Associate Dean, Academic Programs & Faculty Affairs.
Exam Session Guidelines
- Students must plan to arrive early and place all of their personal belongings, including cell phones, within their locker.
- Students are required to bring a laptop, and it is recommended they charge it prior or bring a charging cord unless stated otherwise by the instructor.
- Please review the Emergency Laptop and HotSpot Policy on the CVM website.
- Food and drink cannot be within the classroom during an exam session as it can distract others.
- If scrap paper is allowed during the exam, it will be provided by the proctors. You are not allowed to write on (not even your name) the scrap paper until the exam officially begins. If there is a clear individual and team portion to the exam, all scrap paper will be collected after the individual portion of the exam. If allowed, the scrap paper will be redistributed for the team portion of the exam.
- Students should not congregate in the halls while testing may be in progress for others, and we ask that you please wait in the Student Lounge or Stallard. During breaks, there should be no conversations about the exam.
Students will be provided with proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when participating in course curricular activities at the following facilities.
- Oro Valley Campus
- Campus Agricultural Center
- Health Science Campus
Specific PPE requirements can be found on VetMed Hub within each course.
If a student chooses to participate in an activity outside of curriculum events, such as a club event or volunteering, that requires the use of PPE, the student will need to provide their own.
Students may choose the coveralls they are most comfortable to work in, but we have provided some examples below for reference.
- Student Driver Requirements
- Students can check out and drive a motor pool vehicle only if they are registered (with Risk Management) and have taken the defensive driver training:
- Once you have completed the course, please upload your certificate of completion in the following form, which will add you to the approved driver list.
- Student Driver Request Form:
- Any person who drives for a UA business purpose is required to register and meet driver eligibility requirements. This requirement extends to the operation of UA vehicles, personal vehicles, rental vehicles, and golf carts or scooters used on UA businesses.
- Drivers of regular vehicles (sedans, pickups, golf carts) must be at least 18 years old and have a minimum of two years of driving experience.
- Students are required to carry insurance and submit they have reviewed and are aware of the proper procedures for incident reporting.
- Please note that having too many points on their record and not being deemed a safe driver would result in a denied registration through risk management.
- If students are from out of state or have not changed their license over, they must share the most recent 39-month driving record for review with Risk Management even if the time period overlaps multiple states. Per Arizona law, individuals who live and work in Arizona are required to obtain an Arizona Driver’s License, although there are exemptions to this requirement for full-time non-resident students and military personnel and spouses.
- Student Driver Request Form:
Safety and Security
Veterinary students face potential exposure to materials or incidents resulting in human injury. Potentially hazardous exposures may include infectious agents, drugs, chemicals, inhaled anesthetics, radiation, and other agents.
These potentially hazardous exposures may otherwise affect a pregnant person or an unborn child. Pregnant students are encouraged to consult their healthcare provider to obtain information and recommendations regarding potential exposure to these hazards.
If needed, the student is responsible for initiating requests for accommodation for pregnancy and related conditions to the University of Arizona Disability Resource Center (DRC). Pregnant students should consider informing the Associate Dean for Student Affairs as early as possible to facilitate communication regarding all available options.
Students who are planning to become pregnant or know they are pregnant during their training in the College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) may want to share the following information with their healthcare provider:
- Anatomy Lab
- Formalin free
- The CVM uses Perfect Solution® instead of formalin to preserve specimens. For more information on Perfect Solution® and pregnancy, click here.
- The CVM anatomy lab is equipment with snorkels, downdraft tables, and a fume hood, certified by Facilities Management and the Chemical Hygiene Officer.
- Formalin free
- Clinical Skills and Large Animal Advanced Clinical Management
- Zoonotic diseases
- The CVM holds classes involving live animals, including livestock, at the Campbell Agricultural Center. Exposure to zoonotic infections is unlikely but not impossible.
- Zoonotic diseases
- Surgery
- Anesthetic gases
- The CVM surgical labs are utilizing either Isoflurane or Sevoflurane.
- CVM surgical facilities have active scavenger systems. These systems take the gas that leaves the machine and directs it out of the operating room (OR) to limit exposure to the waste anesthetic gas. Active scavenger systems are in place at the University Animal Care facility and mobile unit.
- Anesthetic gases
- Clinical Rotations
- Environments and exposure will vary between sites.
Rights and Responsibility: The University acknowledges that a pregnant student or student actively seeking to become pregnant is responsible for decisions concerning the pregnancy. The University of Arizona prohibits discrimination or retaliation based on sex, including pregnancy and related conditions. More information regarding the University’s support for pregnant and parenting students is available at
In the event of a fire or fire alarm, The University of Arizona requires all occupants of university buildings to NOTIFY appropriate groups of the fire and EVACUATE the building.
Notification Procedure
If you discover a fire, or if you smell or see smoke:
- Activate the building's fire alarm by pulling a manual fire alarm station. These devices are located at all stairwell doors and exits from the building and call 911.
- Follow the evacuation procedures outlined below.
Evacuation Procedure
If you hear the fire alarm sirens or see the fire alarm strobes flashing:
- Evacuate the building immediately via closest exit or stairs. DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS. If you are working in a laboratory, as quickly as possible, shut down any lab procedures involving heated reactions before you leave. As you leave your work area, close all doors, including any that have been propped open.
- Move away from the building so you are not between it and where the fire department will respond. All building occupants that exit the building must congregate in one of the evacuation points outlined.
Report any details of the fire to the University of Arizona Police Department (621-8273) after evacuating. State that you are calling about the BUILDING #506.
- Remain outside the building, at the designated evacuation points, until Oro Valley Police Department & Golder Ranch Fire Department personnel give the "ALL CLEAR." ONLY PEOPLE LOCATED AT THE DESIGNATED EVACUATION POINTS WILL BE NOTIFIED WHEN THE BUILDING MAY BE RE-OCCUPIED. If you evacuate to another location, you may not receive the "ALL CLEAR" notice.
It is very important that you NEVER ENTER A BUILDING IF YOU HEAR THE FIRE ALARM SIREN OR SEE THE FIRE ALARM STROBES FLASHING. A fire or other emergency could be in progress and you may be putting yourself in danger.
It is even more important that you NEVER RE-ENTER A BUILDING YOU HAVE EVACUATED UNTIL YOU HAVE HEARD THE "ALL CLEAR". Both Oro Valley Police Department & Golder Ranch Fire Department will silence the fire alarm sirens when they arrive at a building so they can communicate over their radios. Just because you may hear the fire alarm siren turn off doesn't mean the building can be re-entered. Wait at the designated evacuation point for notice from Oro Valley Police Department and the Golder Ranch Fire Department, that you can go back into the building.
The quickest and easiest way to obtain professional help for any type of emergency, anytime day or night, is to phone:
Dialing 9-1-1 from any university land line phone will directly connect you with University Police. If calling from a cell phone, you will get the local emergency telephone system. Identify the location as "The University of Arizona" and you will immediately be connected to UAPD.
- When calling to report an emergency, stay calm, identify yourself, and carefully explain the problem and location to the dispatcher. Remain on the phone until the dispatcher tells you to hang up. If you cannot stay on the line, tell the dispatcher that you must leave and where you can be reached.
Keep Yourself Calm – Keep Others Calm
Major Incident: Immediate Emergency Procedures
- Call 911 for Emergency Response.
- Do what is necessary to protect life and health.
- Attend to injured or contaminated persons and remove them from danger.
- Alert people to evacuate the area.
- Close doors to the affected area.
- Have a person knowledgeable of incident and area assist emergency personnel.
- During normal operating hours employees should notify their supervisor of the emergency and begin to take the appropriate action warranted by the situation as outlined in the following pages.
- Emergency "blue light" phones are located throughout the campus with direct access to University Police. Look for blue location lights.
When an active shooter is in your vicinity, quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life. Students, employees and visitors are likely to follow the directions of instructors, supervisors and administrators during an active shooter situation.
WATCH UAPD's "What to Do in an Active Shooter Situation: Run, Hide, Fight" video.
- Have Ban escape route and plan in mind
- Leave your belongings behind (take keys and phones only if it doesn’t delay your escape)
- Keep your hands visible
- Hide in an area out of the active shooter’s view
- Block entry to your hiding place and lock the doors if possible
Take action
- As a last resort and only when your life is in danger
- Attempt to incapacitate the active shooter
- Act with physical aggression and throw items at the shooter
Call 911 when it is safe to do so
How to respond when law enforcement arrives.
- Remain calm and follow instructions from officers
- Immediately raise hands and spread fingers when instructed by officers
- Keep hands visible at all times
- Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as attempting to go to them for safety
- Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling
- Don’t stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating; proceed in the direction from which offers are entering the building/area of toward the location designated by officers
Information you should provide to law enforcement and 911.
- Location of the active shooter/s
- Number of shooters
- Physical description of the shooter/s
- Number and type of weapons possessed by the shooter/s
- Number of potential victims and their locations at the incident scene
Recognizing signs of potential workplace violence
An active shooter may be a current or former employee or student. If you believe an employee/student is an immediate threat or exhibits potentially violent behavior, call Human Resources at 520-621-3662 if the individual is an employee. Call the Dean of Student office at 520-621-7057 if the individual is a student. If the individual is not affiliated with the University, call 911.
Indications of potentially violent behavior may include:
- Increased use of alcohol and/or drugs
- Unexplained increase in absenteeism and/or vague physical complaints
- Depression/withdrawal
- Increased severe mood swings and noticeably unstable or emotional responses
- Increasing mentions of problems at home, school or work
- Increase in unsolicited comments about violence, firearms and other dangerous weapons and violent crime
Notes and Precautions
It is possible, although highly unlikely, that a staff member may someday receive a threatening telephone call, letter, or e-mail, or might receive a suspicious parcel or discover a suspicious item somewhere on campus. A suspicious item is defined as anything that is out of place and cannot be accounted for or any item suspected of being an explosive device.
Telephone Threat
- Remain calm. Do not hang up! Listen carefully.
- Try to keep the caller calm and talking so that you can gather more information. Write down all information (see Bomb Threat Checklist below)
Bomb Threat Checklist
- Attempt to find out why the caller is upset.
- Note any characteristics about the call and caller:
- Time of the call
- Age and sex of the caller
- Emotional state
- Background noises
- Speech pattern, accent
- Identify the type of threat and note any details offered:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- What does it look like?
- Where is the bomb located?
- What kind of device is it?
- Immediately after the call ends press *57 and follow the recorded instructions. Then notify University Police (9-1-1) and supply them with the information obtained.
Written Threat
- If the threat is received by mail, do not further handle the letter, envelope, or package.
- If the threat is received by e-mail, save the entire e-mail message, including any attachments and print out a copy for police.
- Call University police at 9-1-1, and notify your supervisor.
Suspicious Parcel, Mail, Etc.
- Letter and Parcel Bomb Recognition Clues:
- Foreign mail, air mail and special delivery
- No return address
- Restrictive markings such as "confidential," "personal," etc.
- Excessive postage, multiple stamps
- Excessive weight, rigid envelope
- Lopsided or uneven envelope
- Handwritten or poorly typed address
- Protruding wires or tinfoil
- Incorrect titles or titles with no name, misspelled words
- Excessive securing material (i.e., tape, string)
- Oily stains or residues
- Mysterious delivery
- Shows a city or state in the postmark that does not match the return address
- Do not handle! Keep anyone from going near it.
- Leave the area, notify your supervisor and call University Police (9-1-1).
- If an evacuation is warranted, University Police will activate the building fire alarm.
- Evacuate the building by walking to the nearest exit and calmly direct others to do the same. Once outside, move to a clear area at least 150 feet from the affected building. Keep walkways and roads clear for emergency responders.
- Do not re-enter the building until advised by emergency response personnel, even if the alarms have ceased.
It is possible, although highly unlikely, that a staff member may someday receive a suspicious parcel or letter. Biological or chemical threats targeting individuals or departments can frequently be controlled by screening of materials and by following the procedures listed below. University Police and responding Public Safety agencies have plans in place to deal with these types of threats. Following the procedures below will activate those plans and promote the highest level of safety while minimizing the disruption associated with these incidents.
- Mail and package delivery to each department should be screened for suspicious letters and/or packages. Common features of threat letters/packages are:
- No return address
- Hand written or poorly typed address
- Misspelling of common words
- Restrictive markings such as "Confidential," "Personal," etc.
- Incorrect titles or titles with no name
- Shows a city or state in the postmark that does not match the return address
- Excessive or foreign postage
- Oily stains, discoloration or odor
- Protruding wires or aluminum foil
- Excessive weight and/or feel of a powdery or foreign substance
- Suspicious letters and packages should not be opened and should not be handled any more than is absolutely necessary. If there is nothing leaking from the suspicious item leave it alone and call University Police at 9-1-1.
- If you open a letter/package that claims to have contaminated you, but there is no substance seen or felt in the envelope or on the letter, chances are that you have not been contaminated. Call University police at 9-1-1 and tell them exactly what you have done and what information you have in regard to the threatening letter. They will dispatch the appropriate personnel to your location to follow-up on your possible exposure and to document what has taken place. DO NOT handle the suspicious item anymore and DO NOT let anyone else handle the item.
- If you open a letter/package that claims to have contaminated you and there is some sort of foreign substance in the envelope or package:
- Place the letter back into the envelope/package, close it back up, or cover the letter and substance with anything (cloth, paper, etc.). Do not remove this cover.
- Alert others in the area to leave.
- Wash all exposed skin with soap and water.
- If your clothes are covered with a significant amount of the substance, carefully remove the contaminated clothing and, if possible, place into a plastic bag.
- Call University Police at 9-1-1 to report the situation and tell the dispatcher you have opened the envelope/package, there is a substance inside, and what you have done up to that point.
- Police and Risk Management responders can evaluate the risk to those in the room at the time of potential exposure as well as any impact on the remainder of the building. Based upon that risk assessment, further emergency measures may be implemented as necessary. If the risk is found to be minimal, other areas of the facility will not be disrupted and any necessary actions to return the area involved to normal activity will begin as soon as possible.
Report Call Immediately to UAPD (9-1-1)
The range and quantity of hazardous substances used in laboratories require preplanning to respond safely to chemical spills. Only knowledgeable and experienced personnel should do the cleanup of a chemical spill. Spill kits with instructions, absorbents, reactants, and protective equipment should be available to clean up minor spills. A minor chemical spill is one that the laboratory staff is capable of handling safely without the assistance of safety and emergency personnel. All other chemical spills are considered major. Contact Risk Management Services (621-1790) to ensure proper procedures are being taken to clean up the spill.
Major Chemical Spill
- If the situation is life or health-threatening or you are unsure, immediately evacuate the laboratory, floor, or building (whatever is appropriate), shut doors to the area and alert those in the vicinity to do the same. If necessary, pull the nearest fire alarm and evacuate the building.
- From a remote location, immediately call the University Police Department by dialing 911.
- Have person knowledgeable of incident and laboratory assist emergency personnel.
Minor Chemical Spill
- If the situation is not health-threatening and trained people and proper clean-up equipment are on hand, you may clean-up the spill and dispose of waste materials properly.
- However, even under seemingly innocuous conditions, it is recommended that RMS be consulted to be sure that the right steps are being taken to clean-up the spill.
Major Toxic or Flammable Gas Leak
- If the situation is life or health-threatening or you are unsure, immediately evacuate the laboratory, shut doors to the area and alert those in the vicinity to do the same.
- Pull the nearest fire alarm to evacuate the building and notify emergency response personnel.
- Remain at a distance of at least 200 feet from the building, wait for emergency response personnel and provide them with any details you may know about the problem.
- If you are a supervisor, try to account for your employees and report any missing persons to the emergency personnel at the scene.
- Do not re-enter the building until directed to do so by emergency response personnel.
Minor Toxic or Flammable Gas Leak
- If the situation is not health-threatening, place the leaking cylinder in a fume hood, close the sash and open windows if possible to ventilate the area.
- Notify RMS immediately by calling 621-1790.
Mercury Spill
- Notify RMS immediately by calling 621-1790. RMS has a vacuum specifically designed for mercury use. The vacuum collects mercury droplets and captures mercury vapor.
- Isolate the spill. Restrict foot traffic in the area. Protect sinks and floor drains from contamination.
- Do not put sulfur on the spill. It hinders clean-up and makes ultimate disposal difficult and more expensive.
Unusual or Out-of-Place Odor
- Call RMS at 621-1790 to report the odor. RMS provides guidance or investigates the odor if necessary.
Medical and First Aid
- In case of serious injury or illness on campus, immediately call University Police at 9-1-1, or use emergency phone. Do not move a seriously injured person unless they are in further danger. Give your name, describe the nature of the problem and the location of the victim. University Dispatchers will notify Emergency Response Personnel. Police Officers are trained in CPR and First Aid.
- Quickly perform these four steps:
- Determine welfare of victim by asking, "Are you okay," and "What is wrong?
- If victim is unconscious, check pulse and breathing and give CPR or artificial respiration if necessary.
- Control serious bleeding by direct pressure and elevation of the wound.
- Keep victim still and comfortable; have them lie down if necessary.
- For minor injuries or minor medical urgencies, employees should report to Campus Health Services if the injury or illness is minor but medical care is required. Employees may go to their private physician but they must let them know if the injury or illness is work-related. Supervisors must ensure that they or a co-worker accompany the injured or ill person to the medical care facility.
First Aid Instructions
Mouth to Mouth Rescue Breathing:
- Place victim on side and remove foreign matter from mouth with finger.
- Place victim on back. Tilt victim's head back to open airway. Close victim's nostrils with fingers. Exhale until victim's chest expands. Repeat every 1-2 seconds after chest deflates. Keep trying until help arrives. If unable to give breath, check victim for airway obstruction. The American Red Cross conducts CPR classes for a minimal charge. Call 318-6740 for details.
Severe Bleeding and Wounds:
- Apply direct pressure on wound.
- Use clean cloth or hand.
- Elevate body part.
- Apply pressure to blood vessel if necessary. Add more cloth if blood soaks through. Never remove bandage once applied.
- Keep pressure on wound until help arrives.
- Use tourniquet ONLY as a last resort.
Fainting, Unconsciousness and Shock:
- Have victim lie down and rest.
- Keep victim comfortable, not hot or cold.
- Place victim on side if unconscious.
- Ask or look for emergency medical I.D. and provide to emergency medical personnel.
- Treat other injuries as necessary.
Burns, Thermal & Chemical:
- Immerse burned area in cold water.
- Flood chemical burn with cool water for 15 minutes.
- Cover burn with dry bandage.
- Keep victim quiet and comfortable.
Poisoning and Overdose:
- Determine what substance is involved and how taken.
- Call Poison Control Center at 626-6016 or 1-800-222-1222.
- Stay with victim and assist as directed by Poison Control
Fractures and Sprains:
- Keep the victim still
- Keep injured area immobile
Choking and Airway Obstruction:
- If victim is coughing, or able to speak, stand by and allow victim to cough object up.
- If unconscious, check victim's mouth and clear of foreign matter.
- Give abdominal thrusts (Heimlich Maneuver).
- Continue thrusts until airway cleared.
Specific Emergency Procedures:
- Active Shooter/Armed Individual
- Biological Spill
- Bomb Threat and Suspicious Objects
- Building Evacuation
- Chemical Exposure
- Chemical Spills and Other Accidental Releases
- Considerations for International Travel
- Evacuation of Disabled Persons
- Fire
- Personal Injury
- Radiation Spill
- Resource Directory
- Suspicious or Threatening Parcels & Letters
- Utility Failure
UA CVM students are required to submit the following immunizations to the UA Campus Health Immunizations Office:
- Complete MMR shot series (complete before Orientation)
- Tetanus (Td) vaccination within the last 10 years (complete before Orientation)
- Rabies 2 shot series (speak to your healthcare provider for more details)
Clinical Year
- Rabies Titers: As a veterinary professional, it is important students have an appropriate and protective rabies titer. The CVM strongly recommends rabies titers prior to the start of the clinical year. If the titer is not at a protective level, a booster vaccine will be administered. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure their rabies is current. Campus Health offers a Student Discounted Rate for all vaccines. Students are responsible for all costs associated with the vaccine, testing, and booster.
- COVID-19 and Flu Vaccinations: In addition to the above requirements, some clinical sites may require proof of COVID-19 and Flu vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test result before arrival.
- Some clinical sites may require proof of vaccinations and insurance. Students are responsible for providing all requisite vaccination information and documentation to an affiliate site if required.
- If a student cannot meet the affiliate site requirements or exemptions are not honored by a site, a new site placement cannot be guaranteed for the same dates, potentially delaying graduation.
Rabies Vaccine
UA CVM students are required to submit their immunization records for the Rabies 2 shot series to the UA Campus Health Immunizations Office:
Visit CDC’s rabies website at
Rabies Titers
As a veterinary professional, it is important students have an appropriate and protective rabies titer. The CVM strongly recommends rabies titers prior to the start of the clinical year. If the titer is not at a protective level, a booster vaccine will be administered. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure their rabies is current. Campus Health offers a Student Discounted Rate for all vaccines. Students are responsible for all costs associated with the vaccine, testing, and booster.
Rabies vaccination titer guidelines from the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):
In the event of an outbreak of a highly infectious and/or deadly disease, including a pandemic, the College will enact its Social Distancing Policy in an attempt to limit the spread of disease through human to human, human to animal contact. Actions to minimize contact between infected and healthy individuals will range from the use of sick time, limitation or cancellation of events or localized closing, class dismissal and suspension of all services and operations. The Dean will determine which level of social distancing is needed to protect members of the CVM community in consultation with the main campus leadership and resources.
Social distancing measures may include:
- Maintaining a personal distance between oneself and a person showing symptoms of illness.
- Recommended minimum distance is six feet. Personal contact can be further minimized by avoiding shaking hands and by scheduling meetings via the phone or web platforms such as Zoom.
- Maintaining significant personal distance from students and coworkers via the use of sick time when you are experiencing symptoms of illness.
- Limiting public events.
- Cancelling public events
- Suspending all but critical operations.
In the event of a pandemic or other health emergency, the Dean, in consultation with other University leadership as needed, will determine the appropriate level of social distancing measures to employ.
Federal, state, and local governing authorities may provide guidance in making the determination, and those authorities are likely to follow Center for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines.
Decisions regarding social distancing for an outbreak of influenza or other highly contagious disease will be guided by such factors as the epidemiology of the disease, its response (if any) to anti-viral or other medications, the availability of effective medications, specific at-risk groups, proximity of confirmed infection to a particular locale, and other factors.
All students will need a Mac OS or Windows laptop computer running macOS 10.12 or higher or Windows 10 or higher with the minimum specifications of an i5 processor, 8 GB RAM, and 256 GB storage that can run the Respondus Lockdown.
The University of Arizona (UA) College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) values our developing culture and appreciates your investment in shaping both our in-person and online community. Our student-centered program depends heavily upon your active participation in the curriculum. We acknowledge that, as students, you are managing academic and personal commitments and we recognize the challenge of balancing your many roles and responsibilities. We will strive to maintain an environment of professionalism and respect within the UA CVM community.
Here are a few general guidelines to consider as we journey together through the online academic learning experience:
- Please mute your microphone when you aren’t speaking.
- Be mindful of background noise and distractions around you, as much as possible.
- Adjust your camera and lighting so your face can be seen well.
- Please add a profile photo to your Zoom account, so your face can be seen when you turn off your camera.
- Barring technological issues, please do your best to be present on camera during class sessions. Your presence helps faculty, support staff, and classmates to associate a face with your name and get to know you better. Your visual presence also promotes an environment of engagement.
- Dress like you are coming to the classroom.
- Being presentable is important. Casual or Business Casual dress is appropriate for Zoom classroom meetings.
- Avoid multitasking and focus your attention on the class. You might want to minimize/close all other windows so you aren’t distracted by email or other applications.
- Remember that you are always on camera. Need to yawn, sneeze, blow your nose, or something you don’t want us all to see? Mute your audio and turn off your video for a moment.
- All comments and discussions should be respectful of the instructor and fellow students; dialogue and disagreements are fine, but personal attacks are not.
- Participation: In small groups, it is expected that you will be on camera and your microphone unmuted so that you can contribute to the discussion. Additionally, share the responsibility of group moderator so that everyone has a chance to moderate.
- The UA CVM Curriculum is designed for constant participation. Use the “Raise Your Hand” feature or raise your hand on-screen.
- Please don’t just interrupt the instructor or fellow students; that quickly leads to chaos in a Zoom conversation.
- “Raise your hand” by putting a brief note in the chat window (“Question” or “Comment”).
- Please use the chat function to connect with faculty and your fellow classmates.
- The chat window should be used only for class-related discussions—comments, sharing of resources, etc.—except for casual conversations at the start and end of class. Keep remarks on-topic and courteous. Remember that this is still our classroom.
- Know that quickly-flowing chat may be difficult to track. Be sure to raise your hand if your question is not answered.
This system is designed for special circumstance use only. It is not intended as a permanent internet access solution.
- Laptops and Hot Spots can be checked out and returned between the hours of 8am-3pm, Monday through Friday, at the front reception desk, Hanley building. Sabrina Perez will be on point to check out your equipment for a maximum period of 72 hours. You must be physically present to check out equipment; you cannot leave the equipment at the front desk and you cannot ask someone else to check out equipment for you.
- Laptops and Hot Spots can be checked out for 72 hours at a time. If you check out a device on a Friday, it is due at 8am, Monday morning.
- You will be asked to take a photo with the device you are checking out, along with initialing the sign-out sheet.
- If the device is lost, stolen or damaged, you will be responsible for the cost to replace the
device. If a hot spot is lost, stolen or damaged, you will be responsible for replacing the device
and the prorated data subscription. - If you have two late returns, you will no longer be able to check out either device.
Clinical Year
The Clinical Year Handbook is designed to provide third-year students with a foundational understanding of their clinical year's overall expectations and guidelines.
The Clinical Year Handbook is designed to provide third-year students with a foundational understanding of their clinical year's overall expectations and guidelines.
The Clinical Year Handbook is designed to provide third-year students a foundational understanding of their clinical year's overall expectations and guidelines.