New Students

New Student Information

Welcome, VetCats!

As you prepare to immerse yourself in this exciting program, support is in place to make the process as smooth as possible. 

The Kemper and Ethel Marley Foundation Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Program sets the groundwork for students to embrace lifelong learning and supports student well-being with a full lineup of student clubs and mental health resources. Take these steps to get started.  


Orientation is required for incoming students. This introduction to Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine programming includes training on the VetHub online class management system plus valuable academic and student affairs resources. Also take this opportunity to make connections with fellow students, faculty and staff. 

New Student To-Do List

Before classes begin, make sure to check off these important items: 

Students are required to establish a NetID to access their university email account and to activate UAccess to pay tuition, manage financial aid and register for classes.  

Once students have registered for their first semester, they can get their student ID. Start the CatCard process here. 

All students will need a Mac OS or Windows laptop computer running macOS 10.15 or higher or Windows 10 or higher with the minimum specifications of an i5 processor, 8 GB RAM, and 256 GB storage that can run the Respondus Lockdown Browser.

All students are required to submit the following immunizations to the UA Campus Health Immunizations Office before orientation:

  • MMR (two doses)
  • Tetanus (within the last 10 years)
  • Rabies 2-shot series (administered within the last 2 years). 

Please read, sign and complete the Essential Qualifications document and the Media Release form. 

Please review our student policies before starting the program.

Student Policies

Financial Resources

Have you reviewed all available scholarships programs and additional funding opportunities? Learn how CVM can help you maximize you financial resources