The State of the Science in Human-Animal Interaction Research – Where we are now and a vision for the future

About the Lecture
This presentation will provide a top-line overview of the evidence in the field of Human-Animal Interaction, providing a developmental perspective and some indication of the strength and quality of the evidence. It will further explore the gaps in our knowledge and highlight important directions for future research, including quality science of all varieties, innovative approaches, next-generation ideas, and suggestions for interdisciplinary and international collaborations. It will envision the future regarding proposals for translating the growing evidence base into the most effective and efficient practices, focusing on animals as partners in the process deserving of a good life while consistently adhering to overarching and well-established best practice standards.
Featured Speaker: Nancy R. Gee, PhD
Dr. Gee is a Professor of Psychiatry, Bill Balaban Chair in Human-Animal Interaction, and the Center for Human-Animal Interaction Director at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) in Richmond, VA. The Center is the only one of its kind to be housed in a School of Medicine, and in addition to research and educational activities, it also houses the “Dogs On Call” therapy dog program.
Dr. Gee has extensive teaching and research experience and has specialized in Human-Animal Interaction (HAI) for the past 15 years. She served as the HAI Research Manager for the Waltham Petcare Science Institute, located in Leicestershire, UK. In this role, she was responsible for guiding the selection, funding, and conduct of HAI research projects around the globe, focusing on companion animals as they figure in the lives of children and older adults.