VetCats On The Road | Clinical Year Stories

Dec. 18, 2023
Cierra Smith During Clinical year


Cierra Smith

Class of 2024: Cierra Smith
What surprised you the most about the clinical year?

CS: There are so many things that have surprised me during clinical year, but I think the most surprising thing is the confidence I have gained in my knowledge. When going through didactics, you tend to feel like it’s just information overload, and it’s hard to really see how you’ll be able to remember and sort through all of that information in the future to apply clinically. Now going through my rotations, my confidence in the knowledge I have gained has been reinforced, and I love being able to apply my didactic learning to each clinical scenario!

What has been your favorite clinical site so far, and why?

CS: My favorite clinical site so far has been the Denver Zoo. Zoological medicine is my passion, and I aim to hopefully achieve a DACZM certification in the future. I had a wonderful, knowledgable team I got to work with at Denver Zoo, and it made each day a unique experience. From gecko surgery to lion root canals, being able to contribute to conservation and research just by providing care for these incredible species is always so rewarding.

What has been your greatest accomplishment during the clinical year so far?

CS: My greatest accomplishment so far has been managing a case myself! From initial history conversation with the client to ordering diagnostics, interpreting diagnostics, and creating a treatment plan, experiences like this truly make me feel ready to take on the future as a new doctor. While all of these decisions are ultimately overseen and reaffirmed by an on-site veterinarian, it really gives you insight as to how to troubleshoot real-life clinical cases.

In what ways has your experience working in clinics prepared you for actual veterinary practice in the real world?

CS: Working in clinics, especially for 4 weeks at a time, truly prepares you so much for the real world! From rounding first thing in the morning to finishing out the day with medical notes, you get to see what your entire day will involve as a new doctor. It also has given me an opportunity to apply what I’ve learned the past 6 semesters, and learn tips/tricks from experienced doctors to take into my journey as a new vet. Clinical rotations are truly something where you get out of it what you put into it.

abby berry

Class of 2024: Abby Berry

What surprised you the most about the clinical year?

AB: I was not prepared to get so much hands-on experience so quickly, but now that I have my confidence in my abilities as a doctor has sky-rocketed!

What has been your favorite clinical site so far and why?

AB: My favorite clinical site so far has probably been MVP-Prescott Animal Hospital because I got to do many surgeries and medical management cases, as well as getting to work with crazy cool exotics at the local zoos! We’ll see if it can hold up against my future rotation in Hawaii.

What has been your greatest accomplishment during the clinical year so far?

AB: I completed 5 spay surgeries completely on my own!

In what ways has your experience working in clinics prepared you for actual veterinary practice in the real world?

AB: The medical cases have allowed me to put my differential planning and treatment planning to the test, as well as working on my interpersonal skills with clients in all sorts of situations.