Gayle Leith, DVM, MA, MS, ABVP-Equine Practice

About Dr. Leith
Dr. Gayle Leith graduated from the University of Wisconsin – Madison School of Veterinary Medicine in 1988. During her first year of veterinary school, she completed her Master of Science degree (Equine Reproductive Physiology), writing and defending her thesis – early equine embryo intrauterine mobility under Dr. Ollie Ginther.
Following graduation from UW – Madison, she was selected as an intern at Arizona Equine Medical and Surgical Centre. Upon completion of the internship, she was offered an associate position. In 1996, she had the opportunity to purchase the practice with Dr. Scott Taylor. In 2019 she joined the University of Arizona College of Veterinary Medicine while working at Arizona Equine Medical and Surgical Centre. In 2021, she joined the UA -CVM team full-time.
During her years as a practicing veterinarian, she worked at numerous equine competitions as the event veterinarian. The events included Hunter/Jumper Shows, Arabian Horse Shows, Arizona Driving and Carriage Society, and IGRA rodeo.
In 1995, Dr. Leith achieved the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners – Equine certification. This diplomate certification requires recertification every 10 years. She recertified in 2005, and 2015, and is scheduled to recertify in 2026.
In 2010, she obtained a Masters of Arts in Learning with Technology from Ashford University. Dr. Leith joined the Ashford team in 2011 and taught the course “Mankind and the Environment” for 8 years.
Throughout her clinical practice, she bred, trained, and showed horses for the Hunter/Jumper discipline. Dr. Leith continues to ride and show her Thoroughbred and Warmblood geldings.
Gayle is a current member of the AVMA, AAEP, AzVMA, ABVP, and USEF organizations.
Dr. Leith’s primary teaching duties are in Clinical/Professional Skills. She assists with Large Animal Advanced Clinical Management - Equine, Cycle of Life, Sum of the Parts, and Clinical Logic in Doctoring.
- Arizona Veterinary Medical Licensure, Arizona State Veterinary Medical Examining Board (1988)
- Certificate for Diversity and Inclusion in Veterinary Medicine, Purdue University (2022)
- Diplomate of the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners, American Board of Veterinary Practitioners (1995)
- M.A. Learning with Technology
- Ashford University, San Diego, California
- D.V.M. Veterinary Medicine
- University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, Madison, Wisconsin
- M.S. Equine Reproductive Physiology
- University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Science, Madison, Wisconsin
- B.S. Animal Science
- California Polytechnic University, Pomona, California