HAI Lecture Series

About the Lecture Series
The series features regular scholarly talks and discussions on human-animal relationships. Our affiliates investigate different facets of human-animal relationships, broadly construed. We have expertise in veterinary medicine, animal cognition, anthropology, interpersonal psychology, and human decision-making, among other disciplines.
Featured Speaker: Dr. James Serpell
Title: Adventures With C-Barq: How far can we go with proxy measures of canine behavior
James Serpell is an Emeritus Professor of Animal Welfare at the School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, which he joined in 1993. His research focuses on the behavior and welfare of dogs and cats, human attitudes to animals, and the history and psychology of human-animal relationships and interactions. He is also the creator of the C-BARQ, which is currently the world’s most widely used canine behavioral assessment instrument. https://vetapps.vet.upenn.edu/cbarq/.